The Rage

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DEFINITION Rabies is a viral disease affecting the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals and humans. It is due to Rhabdovirus. Its incubation period is on average 6 months in animals and 2 to 8 weeks in humans. WHAT ANIMALS ARE MORE AFFECTED? Dogs and cats. Other animals such as bats can also be carriers of rabies.Which people are most at risk? The whole population can be affected, but children are most exposed to rabies. However, dog owners and trainers are also exposed.HOW IS THE DISEASE TRANSMITTED? The disease is transmitted by bite, scratching, or licking a wound or injury by a rabid animal (essentially the dog) WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS? In animals: urge to bite, change in behavior (abnormal aggression or docility), excessive salivation, paralysis, coordination disorder, convulsion, coma and death.In humans: fever, headache, mental confusion, depression, fear of water; drowsiness, agitation, paralysis.What are the preventive measures? Vaccination of dogs, including stray dogs.Vaccination of people at higher risk before exposure.Monitoring and reporting suspicious cases to veterinary authorities.Just after a bite, scratching or licking a wound by a dog, systematically wash the affected part of the body with plenty of soap and water, for 15 minutes, then go to consultation immediately to look for the post-exposure vaccine. Avoid playing with unknown dogs or approaching a suspicious dog.Rabies Awareness Campaign (French) Rage Awareness Campaign

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