Message from the DNSV for the Feast of Tabaski

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The Feast of Tabaski, a family moment, sharing, a moment of communion. Let's live this great holiday in joy and healthMany diseases can be transmitted from animal to man by touching it or consuming meat or product of a sick animal. It is for this reason, in this period of sheep festival that we must protect ourselves and our families by applying certain simple measures such as:

- Immolate sheep that show no apparent signs of disease

- Immolate the sheep in a clean place to avoid contamination of the meat

- Use clean equipment for meat slicing and handling

- Observe the inner parts of the sheep such as intestines, liver, lungs in search of any abnormalities. In case of any doubt, avoid consuming it without prior advice from a veterinarian.

This message is part of the Keneya Jo Senw campaign of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. This campaign is technically and financially supported by the USAID-funded Breakthrough ACTION project.

Message from the DNSV for the Feast of Tabaski (Bamanakan)

DNSV Message for the Feast of Tabaski (French)

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